1. Overview#
This article introduces relevant knowledge about Docker, focusing on the three core components of Docker: images, containers, and repositories.
2. Introduction to Docker#
- Docker is the world's leading software container platform.
- Docker is developed using the Go language introduced by Google, based on Linux kernel technologies such as cgroups, namespaces, and AUFS-like UnionFS, to encapsulate and isolate processes, belonging to operating system-level virtualization technology. Since isolated processes are independent of the host and other isolated processes, they are also referred to as containers. The initial implementation of Docker was based on LXC.
- Docker can automatically execute repetitive tasks, such as setting up and configuring development environments, freeing developers to focus on what truly matters: building outstanding software.
- Users can easily create and use containers, placing their applications into them. Containers can also be versioned, copied, shared, and modified, just like managing regular code.
When designing Docker, the technology of Union FS is fully utilized, and it is designed as a layered storage architecture.
3. Docker's Philosophy#
- Containers: Place all necessary content into different containers; whoever needs certain content (environment) can directly take the corresponding container.
- Standardization:
- Standardization of transport: Docker has a dock where all uploaded containers are placed. When someone needs a specific environment, they can directly send [Little Blue Whale]^(Docker's mascot) to transport that container.
- Standardization of commands: Docker provides a series of commands to help us perform operations related to containers.
- Provides REST APIs: Leading to many graphical interfaces, such as: [Rancher]^(an open-source enterprise-level container management platform).
- Isolation: When running the contents inside containers, Docker allocates a separate space in the Linux kernel, which does not affect other programs.
- Central repository/registry: A super dock where all containers are stored.
- Images: These are containers.
- Containers: Running images (which package software into standardized units for development, delivery, and deployment. In simple terms, a container is a place to store things, just like a backpack can hold various stationery, a wardrobe can hold various clothes, and a shoe rack can hold various shoes).
4. Containers VS Virtual Machines#
Containers are an application layer abstraction used to package code and dependent resources together. Multiple containers can run on the same machine, sharing the operating system kernel, but each runs as an independent process in user space. Compared to virtual machines, containers take up less space (container images are usually only a few dozen megabytes) and can start up instantly.
Virtual machines (VMs) are a physical hardware layer abstraction that turns one server into multiple servers. Hypervisors allow multiple VMs to run on one machine. Each VM contains a complete operating system, one or more applications, necessary binaries, and library resources, thus occupying a large amount of space. Moreover, VMs start up very slowly.
5. Installing Docker#
- Install dependencies
yum install -y yum-utils device-mapper-persistent-data lvm2
- Specify Docker image source
yum-config-manager --add-repo http://mirrors.aliyun.com/docker-ce/linux/centos/docker-ce.repo
- Install Docker
yum makecache fast
yum -y install docker-ce
- Start Docker
systemctl start docker
systemctl enable docker
docker run hello-world
6. Docker Central Repository#
Docker's official central repository: (This repository has the most complete images, but the download speed is relatively slow)
Domestic image websites:
Once an image is built, it can run on the current host machine. However, if you need to use this image on other servers, a centralized storage and distribution service for images is required, and Docker Registry is such a service.
A Docker Registry can contain multiple repositories, and each repository can contain multiple tags; each tag corresponds to an image.
Typically, a repository will contain images of different versions of the same software, and tags are commonly used to correspond to various versions of that software.
The public service of Docker Registry is open for users to manage images.
Generally, such public services allow users to upload and download public images for free and may offer paid services for managing private images.
The most commonly used public service for Registry is the official Docker Hub, which is also the default Registry and has a large number of high-quality official images.
In addition to using public services, users can also set up a private Docker Registry locally. Docker provides a Docker Registry image that can be used directly as a private Registry service.
The open-source Docker Registry image only provides the server-side implementation of the Docker Registry API, which is sufficient to support Docker commands without affecting usage. However, it does not include a graphical interface or advanced features such as image maintenance, user management, and access control.
7. Images#
The operating system is divided into the kernel and user space. For Linux, after the kernel starts, it mounts the root file system to provide support for user space, while Docker images are equivalent to a root file system.
In addition to providing the programs, libraries, resources, and configurations needed for container runtime, Docker images also contain some configuration parameters prepared for runtime, such as: anonymous volumes, environment variables, and users.
Images do not contain any dynamic data, and their content does not change after being built.
When building an image, it is built layer by layer, where the previous layer serves as the foundation for the next layer. Once a layer is built, it does not change anymore; any changes in the subsequent layer only occur in that layer.
- Pull an image (pull an image from the central repository to local)
docker pull image_name[:tag]
- View all local images (view information about images that have been installed locally, including ID, name, version, update time, size)
docker images
- Delete a local image (images occupy disk space and can be directly deleted)
docker rmi image_id
- Import and export images
# Export a local image
docker save -o export_path image_id
# Load a local image file
docker load -i image_file
# Modify image name
docker tag image_id new_image_name:version
8. Containers#
Running images.
The relationship between images (Image) and containers (Container) is similar to classes and instances in object-oriented programming.
An image is a static definition, while a container is the entity of the image at runtime. Containers can be created, started, stopped, deleted, paused, etc.
The essence of a container is a process, but unlike processes executed directly on the host, container processes run in their own independent namespace. As mentioned earlier, images use layered storage, and containers do as well.
The lifecycle of a container's storage layer is the same as that of the container; when the container dies, the container's storage layer also disappears. Therefore, any information saved in the container's storage layer will be lost when the container is deleted.
According to Docker's best practices, containers should not write any data to their storage layer; the container's storage layer should remain stateless.
All file write operations should use data volumes (Volume) or bind host directories, as reading and writing in these locations will bypass the container's storage layer and directly read and write to the host (or network storage), providing higher performance and stability.
The lifecycle of a data volume is independent of the container; when the container dies, the data volume does not die. Therefore, after using data volumes, containers can be freely deleted and re-run without losing data.
- Run a container (running a container requires specifying a specific image; if the image does not exist, it will be downloaded directly)
# Simple operation
docker run image_id|image_name[:tag]
# Common parameters
docker run -d -p host_port:container_port --name container_name image_id|image_name[:tag]
# -d: represents running the container in the background
# -p: host_port:container_port: to map the current Linux port to the container's port
# --name: container_name: specifies the name of the container
- View running containers
docker ps [-qa]
# -a: view all containers, including those not running
# -q: only view container IDs
- View container logs (view the logs of the container to see running information)
docker logs -f container_id
# -f: can scroll to view the last few lines of logs
- Enter the container (can enter the container for operations)
docker exec -it container_id bash
- Copy content to the container (copy files from the host to a specified directory inside the container)
docker cp file_name container_id:container_internal_path
- Restart/start/stop/delete containers (operations such as starting, stopping, and deleting containers are frequently used)
# Restart the container
docker restart container_id
# Start a stopped container
docker start container_id
# Stop a specified container (before deleting a container, it needs to be stopped first)
docker stop container_id
# Stop all containers
docker stop $(docker ps -qa)
# Delete a specified container
docker rm container_id
# Delete all containers
docker rm $(docker ps -qa)
9. Applications of Docker#
- Install Tomcat using Docker
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --name tomcat daocloud.io/library:8.5.15-jre8
- Install MySQL using Docker
docker run -d -p 3306:3306 --name mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root daocloud.io/library/mysql:5.7.4
10. Data Volumes#
When a Docker container is deleted, the data generated within the container is also destroyed.
Can Docker containers directly exchange files with external machines?
Do containers want to interact with each other?
Data Volumes:
Data volumes are directories or files on the host machine.
When a container directory is bound to a data volume directory, modifications on either side will be immediately synchronized.
A data volume can be mounted by multiple containers simultaneously.
A container can also mount multiple data volumes.
- Create a data volume (after creating a data volume, it will be stored in a directory by default: /var/lib/docker/volumes/data_volume_name/_data)
docker volume create data_volume_name
- View data volume details (view detailed information about the data volume, including storage path, creation time, etc.)
docker volume inspect data_volume_name
- View all data volumes
docker volume ls
- Delete a data volume
docker volume rm data_volume_name
- Container mapping data volumes
There are two ways to map:
- Map by data volume name; if the data volume does not exist, Docker will automatically create it and store the files that come with the container in the default storage path.
- Map data volumes by specifying a path, directly designating a path as the storage location for the data volume, but this path is empty.
# Map by data volume name
docker run -v data_volume_name:container_internal_path image_id
# Map data volumes by path
docker run -v path:container_internal_path image_id
11. Custom Images with Dockerfile#
We can download an image from the central repository or manually create an image by specifying custom image information through a Dockerfile.
12. Docker-Compose#
Previously, running an image required adding a large number of parameters, which can be written in Docker-Compose.
Moreover, Docker-Compose can help us manage containers in bulk.
This information only needs to be maintained through a docker-compose.yml file.
12.1 Download and Install Docker-Compose#
Set permissions (the name of the DockerCompose file needs to be changed, and executable permissions should be granted to the DockerCompose file)
mv docker-compose-linux-x86_64 docker-compose
chmod 777 docker-compose
- Configure environment variables (to facilitate future operations, configure an environment variable)
mv docker-compose /usr/local/bin
vim /etc/profile
# Add content export PATH=$JAVA_HOME:/usr/local/bin:$PATH
source /etc/profile
- Test (enter any directory and type the docker-compose command)
12.2 Docker-Compose Managing MySQL and Tomcat Containers#
The yml file specifies configuration information in key format.
Multiple configuration information is distinguished by line breaks and indentation.
Do not use tabs in the docker-compose.yml file.
version: '3.1'
mysql: # Name of the service
restart: always # Means that as long as Docker starts, this container will start with it
image: daocloud.io/library/mysql:5.7.4 # Specify image path
container_name: mysql # Specify container name
- 3306:3306 # Specify port mapping
MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: root # Specify MySQL root user login password
TZ: Asia/Shanghai # Specify timezone
- /opt/docker_mysql_tomcat/mysql_data:/var/lib/mysql # Map data volume
restart: always
image: daocloud.io/library/tomcat:8.5.15-jre8
container_name: tomcat
- 8080:8080
TZ: Asia/Shanghai
- /opt/docker_mysql_tomcat/tomcat_webapps:/usr/local/tomcat/webapps
- /opt/docker_mysql_tomcat/tomcat_logs:/usr/local/tomcat/logs
12.3 Managing Containers with docker-compose Command#
When using the docker-compose command, it will look for the docker-compose.yml file in the current directory by default.
# 1. Start managed containers based on docker-compose.yml
docker-compose up -d
# 2. Stop and delete containers
docker-compose down
# 3. Start|Stop|Restart existing containers maintained by docker-compose
docker-compose start|stop|restart
# 4. View containers managed by docker-compose
docker-compose ps
# 5. View logs
docker-compose logs -f
12.4 Using docker-compose with Dockerfile#
Using the docker-compose.yml file and Dockerfile to generate custom images while starting the current image, managed by docker-compose.
- Docker-compose file (write the docker-compose.yml file)
# yml file
version: '3.1'
restart: always
build: # Build custom image
context: ../ # Specify the path where the Dockerfile is located
dockerfile: Dockerfile # Specify Dockerfile name
image: ssm:1.0.1
container_name: ssm
- 8081:8080
TZ: Asia/Shanghai
- Dockerfile (write the Dockerfile)
from daocloud.io/library/tomcat:8.5.15-jre8
copy ssm.war /usr/local/tomcat/webapps
- Run (test the effect)
# You can directly start the custom image built based on the docker-compose.yml and Dockerfile files
docker-compose up -d
# If the custom image does not exist, it will help us build the custom image; if the custom image already exists, it will directly run this custom image.
# Rebuild the custom image
docker-compose build
# Run the current content and rebuild
docker-compose up -d --build
13. Conclusion#
This article mainly elaborates on some common concepts in Docker in detail.